This is my xml file.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<ns3:GetSubscriberResponse xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="" >
<ns2:value>1st vivekanandar street</ns2:value>
<ns2:value>Abu Dhabi</ns2:value>
Now, I have seen an example from where iterchildren is used.
The code works if there are no namespaces. This code below would have worked for the xml i have , provided i did not have namespaces in my xml.
obj2 = lxml.objectify.parse("get_subscribers_result.xml")
root = obj2.getroot()
tag = '{}subscriberDetail'
for subscriberDetail in enumerate(root.subscriber.iterchildren(tag=tag)):
print subscriberDetail.key
print subscriberDetail.value
print "*********************************"
If i run this, i get
AttributeError: no such child: {}subscriber
That's because subscriber doesn't belong to the default namespace and it is correct !
I tried
for subscriberDetail in enumerate(root.{}subscriber.iterchildren(tag=tag)):
Any ideas how to make this work when namespaces are present ?
You can use the "namespace aware" xpath
function instead and explicitely specify the namespace:
from lxml import objectify
obj2 = lxml.objectify.parse('get_subscribers_result.xml')
root = obj2.getroot()
tag = '{}subscriberDetail'
for subscriberDetail in (root.xpath('//ns2:subscriberDetail', namespaces={'ns2': ''})):
print subscriberDetail.key
print subscriberDetail.value
print "*********************************"
if you want to iterate over all the nodes including their children, you can do something like this:
for details in root.xpath('//SOAP-ENV:Envelope/descendant-or-self::*', namespaces={'SOAP-ENV':'','ns2': '','ns3':""}):
for element in details:
cleaned_tag = element.tag.replace('{'+element.nsmap[element.prefix]+'}','')
if element.text:
print("%s --> %s" % (element.prefix+':'+cleaned_tag,element.text))