I'm calling a page method on mouse over of an image slider to show an image from a database. The problem is I'm getting multiple callbacks. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Code which I'm using for the page method:
var contextArray = "img";
pageMethodConcept = {
callServerSideMethod: function (id) {
PageMethods.GetItemLargeImage(id, pageMethodConcept.callback, pageMethodConcept.Failcallback, contextArray);
}, callback: function (result, userContext, imagePreview) {
if (userContext = "img") {
//replace img source with result
document.getElementById("displayPreviewImage").src = result;
return false;
}, Failcallback: function (result, userContext) {
Code for setting the timer:
var alertTimer = 0;
if (alertTimer == 100) {
alert("time 100");
alertTimer = setTimeout(pageMethodConcept.callServerSideMethod(this.id), 0);
else {
alertTimer = setTimeout(pageMethodConcept.callServerSideMethod(this.id), 100);
alert("time ");
What do you think the timer code is doing exactly?
if (alertTimer == 100) {...
100? What is 100?
You should be doing something like:
if (alertTimer != 0) {
/* timeout pending */
alertTimer = ...
} else {
/* set timeout */
alertTimer = ...