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List of DirectShow filters with details

I have a list of DirectShow filters in C# using DirectShow.NET. I get a list of filters by IFilterMapper2.EnumMatchingFilters(). But I've got just FriendlyName and FilterData:

hr = propertyBag.Read("FriendlyName", out friendlyName, null);
hr = propertyBag.Read("FilterData", out filterDataObj, null);

I would like to have get "File Name", and "File Version", which shows GraphStudioNext and other tools. How can I retrieve these informations?


  • I have looked into the GraphStudioNext sources and found that I have to get CLSID and get dll file name from registry:

    hr = propertyBag.Read("CLSID", out clsid, null);
    string dllFile = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID\\" + clsid + "\\InProcServer32").GetValue("") as string;

    Finally, the File version can be retrieved by:

    string fileVersion = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(dllFile).FileVersion;