I get several warnings in the "Messages" panel, AFTER I compile my source code, after compiler's [Success] message.
Sometimes it appears when I put the cursor over a keyword/variable and Code Insight pop-up appears on screen (after Compile), sometimes not. The appearance is random (the warnings may appear or not). Basically, it depends on the cursor position in IDE.
[Warning] W1000 Symbol 'TVariantManager' is deprecated
[Warning] W1000 Symbol 'TMemoryManager' is deprecated: 'Use TMemoryManagerEx'
[Warning] W1000 Symbol 'TSingleRec' is deprecated: 'Use TSingleHelper'
[Warning] W1000 Symbol 'TDoubleRec' is deprecated: 'Use TDoubleHelper'
Nothing happens when I double click the message.
Any idea what could cause this?
Since this appears after the compiler finished, I guess it would be one of the plugins I have (GExpers, CnPack, Andy's) but I haven't seen it until now.
Finally, I have an explanation. Here is some output from the build window of my IDE:
Checking project dependencies... Compiling Foo.dproj (Debug, Win32) dcc command line for "Foo.dpr" ..... // spurious details removed Success Elapsed time: 00:00:05.2 [Error] E1000 Symbol 'TImageIndex' is deprecated: 'Use System.UITypes.TImageIndex' [Error] E1000 Symbol 'CM_THEMECHANGED' is deprecated: 'Use CM_STYLECHANGED' [Error] E1000 Symbol 'RaiseList' is deprecated: 'Use AcquireExceptionObject' [Error] E1000 Symbol 'TMemoryManager' is deprecated: 'Use TMemoryManagerEx' [Error] E1000 Symbol 'Release' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices' [Error] E1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'GetHeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'THeapStatus' is deprecated [Error] E1000 Symbol 'TScrollStyle' is deprecated: 'Use System.UITypes.TScrollStyle'
This particular set of errors appeared when I tried to use CTRL + click to navigate to the definition of a symbol in my source code. What happens then is that the IDE uses one of its internal parsers/compilers to understand the code and work out exactly which symbol this is. This internal parsers/compilers is written in Delphi and emits hints, warnings and errors which land in the main IDE build window.
I know that the specific set of warnings that you have seen differs in content from mine, but I am sure that the root cause is the same in principle. One of the internal parsers/compilers is spitting out these messages, and so they are completely unrelated to the content of your code.