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Wrapping validation errors for polymer-element paper-input

I notice that if the width of my custom Polymer 1.x element is narrower than the width of the validation error message on a paper-input element, the error overflows beyond the right border of the custom element. See graphic below:

enter image description here

Is there a mechanism to prevent the overflow eg wrapping the text when it reaches the border of the custom element?



  • <dom-module id='app-element'>
          /* this style is only to reproduce the problem */
          :host {
            display: block;
            width: 60px;
            height: 100px;
            border: 3px solid green;

    You can clip the too long text by specifying a width

          :root {
            --paper-input-error: {
              /*-o-text-overflow: ellipsis; // or clip*/
              /*text-overflow: ellipsis; // or clip */
              width: 60px;
            --paper-input-container-invalid-color: orange;

    this way the width is adjusted dynamically but might break other things (no idea)

          :root {
            --paper-input-container: {
              position: relative;
            --paper-input-error: {
              position: absolute; 
              width: 100%;

    or make it break like

          :root {
            --paper-input-error: {
              position: relative; // or  width: 60px;
              height: 50px;
              white-space: normal;
              word-wrap: break-word;
              line-height: initial;

    the rest of the elements markup

        <paper-input label="only type letters (auto-validate)" auto-validate pattern="[0-9]*" error-message="Only digits from (0 to 9) are allowed."></paper-input>

    I also tried to add a custom add-on instead of the default <error-element>, but failed (see also