I am evaluating WSO2 Governance Registry version 5. I added some Web services using new Governance Center - Publisher web frontend - it works just fine.
But now I would like to upload a Word document (specification charter) to repository and associate it with my SoapService so it is visible in SoapService detail page.
I found how to do it using console: http://warunaperera.blogspot.cz/2014/06/how-to-upload-file-and-associate-with.html It works but such associated document is not visible in Governance Center / Publisher.
So the question is: is it possible with WSO2 Greg to have a Word (or other) documents associated with Soap service?
Yes, This is possible with new GReg 5 series. Please find this blog post which explains a basic handler for your requirement.
To get it work you will need to write a handler and publisher/store extensions. There is a sample handlers comes with the WSO2 GReg pack. The handler needs to write kind a looks like swagger handler which comes GReg out of the box. Other than that user wanted to write a rxt such as wsdl/wadl or swagger rxt. For more information please refer WSO2 Governance registry 5.1.0 documentation.
Hope this helps