Could you share any tips for supporting rtl direction in multilingual websites?
Apart from the text direction, should there be any changes, for instance, to the menus mark-up? The rtl CSS should be included in a separate file (like "layout-rtl.css") or a "rtl" class should be added to the body tag? I would like to know stuff like that.
I found a few tips here, but I would really appreciate someone's advice at first hand (someone that has already launched a website in a rtl language).
what we do is declare some parameters in php like :
SIDE : right
OPOSIDE : left
DIR : rtl
OPODIR : ltr
for every site languages.
and we deal with only one css file and one template with divs, we add to css or template file replacement place holder
like :
float : {SIDE}
and we generate a real css file with php (replacements all what need to be replace), and the site take the css file that belong to him .
now you can do it with css framework like : LESS , BLUEPRINT , XCC