I am using pyserial to communicate with my Multimeter (Keithley2000) over an FTDI based usb-to-rs232 adapter (Using the Mac OS X built-in driver).
Before I started with Pyserial I verified that the Hardware & Driver works by using a terminal app (Serial.app) to communicate with the Multimeter. This works just fine.
But if I try the same thing with the simple program below, it doesn't work. Writing works fine (I can for example reset the instrument), but I can't read anything back.
import serial
import io
port = serial.Serial("/dev/cu.usbserial-FT8VXG35", 9600, timeout=1)
Now here comes the weird part. If i leave Serial.app open in den background, the program actually works.
Does anyone know the reason for this behaviour?
Here are my settings in Serial.app
Some peripherals need the flow control lines (RTC/CTS, DSR/DTR) set to specific levels - maybe having serial.app running the background sets these lines the way your multimeter needs?