Get username values from sqlite db.
NSArray *resul = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
NSArray *fetchedRecords = [resul valueForKey:@"uName"];
Insert this array values into NSPopupButton
[_registeredUserPopupButton addItemsWithTitles:[self getUname]];
Get a string value from NSPopupButton dropdown list
NSString *usrNam = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[_registeredUserPopupButton selectedItem]];
From the above code usrNam value returns like below
"NSMenuItem: 0x6080000a9c00 mickel"
but i want my nsstring output as "mickel"
Just get the title
from the menu item:
NSString *usrNam = [[_registeredUserPopupButton selectedItem] title];
or with dot notation
NSString *usrNam = _registeredUserPopupButton.selectedItem.title;