I'm using Autobahn 0.9.2 with Python 3.4 with asyncio.
Questions: Using WAMP, is it possible to access the peer acting as a Caller's IP and HTTP connection header from inside an RPC endpoint? Is this information persisted when a connection is established? If not, how would I get started extending some factories to support this?
My objective is rather simple: I want to have an RPC endpoint to Geolocalize the IP of the connected peer (the Caller) and relay the augmented data to Redis. I have read the source and know where the information passes through (autobahn.websocket.protocol.WebSocketServerProtocol -> onConnect(request)) but am having trouble drilling down to it from the ApplicationSession's RPC endpoint defined in the onJoin callback. I tried traversing the transport/router/router session chain and didn't manage to get there. I'm interested in both the Peer's IP and the HTTP headers from the initial connection request.
Here's the distilled Component:
class IncomingComponent(ApplicationSession):
def __init__(self, **params):
self.redis = StrictRedis(host=config["redis"]["host"], port=config["redis"]["port"], db=config["redis"]["databases"]["ailytics"])
def onConnect(self):
def onJoin(self, details):
def geolocalize_and_store_event(event, detail):
# Geolocalize here! Have access to caller ID through detail
self.redis.rpush("abc:events", json.dumps(event))
yield from self.register(
options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='detail', discloseCaller = True)
And the initialization of the server:
router_factory = wamp.RouterFactory()
session_factory = wamp.RouterSessionFactory(router_factory)
transport_factory = websocket.WampWebSocketServerFactory(session_factory, debug=False, debug_wamp=False)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
coro = loop.create_server(transport_factory, '', 7788)
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
You can access extra session/transport information via the wamp.session.get
meta-API in crossbar.io at least:
def onJoin(self, ign):
def method(details):
session = yield self.call('wamp.session.get', details.caller)
peer = session['transport']['peer']
print "peer's address", peer
headers = session['transport']['http_headers_received']
print "headers:"
print '\n'.join(['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in headers.items()])
yield self.register(
method, 'some_method',