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bitnami gitlab 8.1.4-0 gitl clone via http error :empty repo and download zip via webpage error

gitlab version: bitnami gitlab-8.1.4_x64

os: ubuntu 12.04_x64

Just the title, I setup a repo on gitlab and push code via ssh is ok, but when i try to clone via http I get an empty repository. I have tried to add nginx item in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb but it didn't work. Anyone can give me some help? Thank you so much!

nginx['enabled'] = false
gitlab_git_http_server['listen_network'] = "tcp"
gitlab_git_http_server['listen_addr'] = "localhost:80"

At the same time, I will get following information if I try to download a zip from webpage.


When using gitlab-ci-multi-runner I will get the proble with

gitlab-ci-multi-runner 0.6.0 (4d8b5c2)
Using Shell executor...
Running on common...

Cloning repository...
Cloning into 'builds/e26b4ecf/0/wy/demo'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking out 15fa55ea as master...
fatal: reference is not a tree: 15fa55ea4cbd9a1368b2de6cda77b457e85f1573

ERROR: Build failed with: exit status 1


  • This is not your fault, it is a bug in Bitnami packaging. So far there is no official solution but you can implement some workarounds as seen here. You can go using SSH, but I would wait for a decent patch.


    Bitnami now offers Gitlab 8.2.3-3. This solves the problems.