I got lost in this situation and would like to receive some feedback/advice on how to do this.
I'm building an application with a Laravel 5.1 back-en and a AngularJS frontend. Both are new to me but I love them so far. For my database communication I'm using Propel 2.
So I got my Order object in Laravel set-up with Propel which is working fine. To use this model in Angular I created a resource factory.
.factory('Order', ['$resource', 'Address', 'Person', function($resource, Address, Person)
var Order = $resource('/restful/shop/order/:id', {id: '@id'}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
transformResponse: function(data, header)
var jsonData = angular.fromJson(data);
var orders = [];
angular.forEach(jsonData, function(item)
var order = new Order(item);
return orders;
update: {
method: 'PUT',
params: {id: '@Id'},
Order.prototype.Person = null;
Order.prototype.getAddresses = function() {};
Order.prototype.getOrderProducts = function() {};
Order.prototype.getPayments = function() {};
Order.prototype.getPerson = function()
if (this.Person != null)
return this.Person;
var OrderObject = this;
this.Person = {};
Person.get({id: this.PersonId}, function (response)
OrderObject.Person = response;
return this.Person;
Order.prototype.getShippingAddress = function() {};
return Order;
As you can see this resource has a function getPerson() which loads a person object from another resource factory.
.factory('Person', function($resource)
var Person = $resource('/restful/common/person/:id', {id: '@id'}, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
transformResponse: function(data, header)
var jsonData = angular.fromJson(data);
var persons = [];
angular.forEach(jsonData, function(item)
var person = new Person(item);
return persons;
return Person;
So far everything works great. I can load and display my orders and load the person object with this and also display the data from this object.
The issue comes when I want to store updates. If I call Order.$update() the put request is made to my Laravel update action.
public function update($id, Request $request)
// Check for orderI
// Load order
$order = OrderQuery::create()
// Iterate data
foreach ($request->all() as $key => $value)
echo 'set' . $key . "\n";
$order->{'set' . $key}($value);
// Save object
Here comes the problem. setPerson on the Order objects expects an Person object but an simple object with just parameters is sent. I could just skip input that is not string or integer but what if I updated details in the person too. I'd be nice if the Person would be updated too but I don't know what is the best way to do this.
My options but I'm hoping there is a better way:
"Your options should always segregate routes with concerns. If it does not matter to the application keep a single route which does both." I cannot see your setPerson or how you are calling order.person in angular (along with what data you are passing)? You can keep everything in one route but make sure you are using correct methods to do the work.
"Here comes the problem. setPerson on the Order objects expects an Person object but an simple object with just parameters is sent. I could just skip input that is not string or integer but what if I updated details in the person too. I'd be nice if the Person would be updated too but I don't know what is the best way to do this." Can you explain this more?