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Symfony session cannot be retrieve in twig

I'm trying to make a two language app with symfony2. I'm using Doctrine behavior and A2lixtranslationformbundle. I have a listener which listen to change the locale:

namespace George\CoreBundle\EventListener;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;

class LocaleListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
private $defaultLocale;

public function __construct($defaultLocale = 'en')
    $this->defaultLocale = $defaultLocale;


public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
    $request = $event->getRequest();
    if (!$request->hasPreviousSession()) {

// try to see if the locale has been set as a _locale routing parameter
    //if ($locale = $request->attributes->get('_locale')) {
    if ($locale = $request->get('_locale')) {
        $request->getSession()->set('_locale', $locale);
    } else {
// if no explicit locale has been set on this request, use one from the session
        $request->setLocale($request->getSession()->get('_locale', $this->defaultLocale));


public static function getSubscribedEvents()
    return array(
// must be registered before the default Locale listener
        KernelEvents::REQUEST => array(array('onKernelRequest', 17)),

In the twig template i want to retrieve the translation trough the session param to see what locale we have:

{{ entity.translate(app.session.get('_locale')).title }}

But the app.session.get('_locale') does not return nothing. What is the problem why the session in the twig do not get this property i have test it in the listener everything looks fine.


  • In order to retrive the locale in twig you can use the following snippet

    {{ app.request.locale }}

    for your case will be

    {{ entity.translate(app.request.locale).title }}