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Ambiguous use of subscript in Firebase call

I'm trying to do a firebase read, I'm trying to read an integer from firebase, but for some reason this isn't working:

func firebaseCall () {

        ref.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
            let people = snapshot.value["people"] as! Int
            print("People is \(people)")
                       //            let time = snapshot.value["time"] as! Int
            let date = NSDate()
            let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
            let components = calendar.components(.Hour, fromDate: date)
            let hour = components.hour

            print("time is \(hour)")

            }, withCancelBlock: { error in

I get the error Ambiguous use of subscript on the snapshot.value["people"]. I used the exact code in another project and it works so I'm incredibly confused. The difference is that this code is used in a SKScene where as the other time it was in a view controller. Can anyone help fix this? Or suggest another way i can read the int value from firebase? Thanks


  • The compiler doesn't know what is being returned by

    let people = snapshot.value["people"] as! Int

    You may want to consider

    if let someInt = snapshot.value.objectForKey("people")
    if let someInt = snapshot.value as? Int

    Not knowing what is in the snapshot leaves a little ambiguity.

    If the object may be nil you may want to add some way to handle that

        if let thing = snapshot.value {
            print("thing was not nil")
        } else {
            print("thing was nil")