What is difference between CFrameWndEx::AdjustDockingLayout()
and CFrameWndEx::RecalcLayout()
Both of them to do similar tasks as documentation says: AdjustDockingLayout(), RecalcLayout().
Besides that, Interface Elements doc says that
You can call AdjustDockingLayout or RecalcLayout when you have to adjust the docking layout, and the framework redirects this call to the docking manager.
Does the AdjustDockingLayout()
and RecalcLayout()
perform same work ?
The AdjustDockingLayout
is one level below RecalcLayout
. The RecalcLayout
calls AdjustDockingLayout
. But AdjustDocinkgLayout
has an additional parameter for defered windows positioning (HDWP).
So when the layout of windows are restored from the registry when you start the program or have a mode switch, RecalcLayout
isn't called. In this case AdjustDockingLayout
is called.
So whenever you need it internally I would always call RecalcLayout
In detail: RecalcLayout
calls RecalcLayout
for each of its child windows too and finally calls AdjustDockingLayout
for the current window only.