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How to increase l2p page size

I just got done moving my project from my old development machine to my new development machine, both of which are running Visual Studio with VisualSVN Server and TortoiseSVN.

After a while of banging my head on my desk, I finally got everything copied over and relocated to run from the new location. However, my most recent commit was a pretty large one, and now if I try to compare some of the working copy files with the previous revision, I get the following error:

TortoiseSVN Error Dialog

I have found the setting to adjust this in the <repo>\db\fsfs.conf file here:

### This is an expert setting.  Must be a power of 2.
### l2p-page-size is 8192 entries by default.
l2p-page-size = 16384

As you can see, I have changed it to 16384 and uncommented that line to see if that would do the trick. However, I am still getting the same error dialog stating that the l2p limit is 8192. Is there something I need to do to tell TortoiseSVN to reload the fsfs.conf configuration, or something else I am missing?

I have checked and older revisions are able to display fine, so I don't think that necessarily has anything to do with the migration from the old machine to the new machine aside from maybe different configuration. The same revision is able to be compared on the old development machine with no problems.


The old development machine was running TortoiseSVN 1.8.11, which apparently did not have this setting (the new machine is using TortoiseSVN 1.9.2, the most recent version at the time of this posting). Rebooting the new development machine after changing the fsfs.conf did the trick, but I'm not sure if there is something simpler I could have done instead.


  • The l2p-page-size option in fsfs.conf should not be changed: it's a page size, not a limit of items. Subversion doesn't have any limits in default configuration. It seems you're experiencing some kind of repository corruption or data was migrated incorrectly. You should verify your repository first using the following command:

    svnadmin verify <PATH_TO_REPOS>