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Adding game center achievements to my game

I was trying to add achievements to one of my games, I made a list and started adding them with image and description in itunes connect, but I can't find a tutorial written in swift, and with a simple function like unlockachievement and the achievement id passed inside that

In my game, inside the viewdidload of the game over screen i made this

if (achievement condition){
//unlock achievement ("achievementID")

Is this a correct way to add achievements?In this view i have many stats passed from previous view so if I put the unlockachievement function here the popup should appear at the end of the game without distracting the player

For the leaderboards I made a func that gets score and leaderboard, I want to do the same for achievements, how do I do it?Is it possible?

I also read about achievement progress in the game center view,is it possible to avoid it?Especially with hidden achievements that should show up only when conditions are met


  • this is how I solved

    func loadAchievementPercentages() {
        print("get % ach")
        GKAchievement.loadAchievementsWithCompletionHandler { (allAchievements, error) -> Void in
            if error != nil {
                print("GC could not load ach, error:\(error)")
                //nil if no progress on any achiement
                if(allAchievements != nil) {
                    for theAchiement in allAchievements! {
                        if let singleAchievement:GKAchievement = theAchiement {
                            self.gameCenterAchievements[singleAchievement.identifier!] = singleAchievement
                for(id,achievement) in self.gameCenterAchievements {
                    print("\(id) - \(achievement.percentComplete)")
    func incrementCurrentPercentageOfAchievement (identifier:String, amount:Double) {
        if GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer().authenticated {
            var currentPercentFound:Bool = false
            if ( gameCenterAchievements.count != 0) {
                for (id,achievement) in gameCenterAchievements {
                    if (id == identifier) {
                        //progress on the achievement found
                        currentPercentFound = true
                        var currentPercent:Double = achievement.percentComplete
                        currentPercent = currentPercent + amount
            if (currentPercentFound == false) {
                //no progress on the achievement
    func reportAchievement (identifier:String, percentComplete:Double) {
        let achievement = GKAchievement(identifier: identifier)
        achievement.percentComplete = percentComplete
        let achievementArray: [GKAchievement] = [achievement]
        GKAchievement.reportAchievements(achievementArray, withCompletionHandler: {
            error -> Void in
            if ( error != nil) {
            else {
                print ("reported achievement with % complete of \(percentComplete)")

    in the view did load I have this

    if (conditions for the achievement)                           
            incrementCurrentPercentageOfAchievement("achievementID", amount: 100)

    Tested now and it worked,now i want to do something different,I don't want to increment an achievement percentage but to set the percentage, for example:

    Achievement - combo of 10 - Play a game - Combo of 8 and shows 80% progress on the achievement - Another game - Combo of 2

    With the code I have now it should unlock the achievement because the percentage is cumulative, so I have to write another function to change the achievement progress percentage and to set it to 20 Now if in a game I met the requirements and unlock the achievement,and in the next game I don't get this condition again, the achievement is still unlocked, right?