I'm new to Instagram API and my question is how to get complete access to Instagram's API without any limitations - like API's that any other Third-Party Client Apps Like (6tag /ink361.com/insta(X))uses .i want to give my users complete access so they can (like - repost - regram - Edit - ...). and as I read in the official documentation there is a Sandbox / Live Permission/Condition that developers can get to have that kind of Access.
If I understood you correctly, you are trying to built an app similar to the core functionalities of Instagram (or most of it!).
As you have said, they have introduced Sandbox features post November 17th, so any app created after that date will be running in Sandbox mode until you give it for a review.
Few things to note here:
So, I guess from now on you can't build an app on Instagram which is similar to theirs. Regarding the existing apps which does the same, they have to remove those deprecated endpoints as these new features will be imposed on them post 2016!
At the moment, you can the endpoints available to you are documented on http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/.
Hope it answers all your queries!