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PInvoke NetLocalGroupGetMembers runs into FatalExecutionEngineError

I need to use win32 NetLocalGroupGetMembers in C#. I found and tested three solutions. All three fail with an FatalExecutionEngineError. The framework is .net 4.0

Here is a full example:

Reference to the api:

static class NetworkAPI
    public extern static int NetLocalGroupGetMembers([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string servername, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string localgroupname, int level, out IntPtr bufptr, int prefmaxlen, out int entriesread, out int totalentries, out int resumehandle);

    public extern static int NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr Buffer);

    // LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1 - Structure for holding members details
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public struct LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1
        public int lgrmi1_sid;
        public int lgrmi1_sidusage;
        public string lgrmi1_name;

calling the function:

static void Main(string[] args)
    int EntriesRead;
    int TotalEntries;
    int Resume;
    IntPtr bufPtr;

    string groupName = "Administrators";

    NetworkAPI.NetLocalGroupGetMembers(null, groupName, 1, out bufPtr, -1, out EntriesRead, out TotalEntries, out Resume);

    if (EntriesRead > 0)
        NetworkAPI.LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1[] Members = new NetworkAPI.LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1[EntriesRead];
        IntPtr iter = bufPtr;

        // EntriesRead has the correct quantity of members of the group, so the group is found
        for (int i = 0; i < EntriesRead; i++)
            // --------------------------------------------------
            // ==> here the FatalExecutionEngineError happens:
            Members[i] = (NetworkAPI.LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(iter, typeof(NetworkAPI.LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1));
            // --------------------------------------------------

            iter = (IntPtr)((int)iter + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NetworkAPI.LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1)));


  • I see the following errors:

    1. The resume handle is a pointer. Use ref IntPtr resumehandle for that parameter, and pass IntPtr.Zero on the first call. Or if you don't need to use a resume handle declare the parameter as IntPtr resumehandle and pass IntPtr.Zero. Consult the function documentation on MSDN for the full details.
    2. The lgrmi1_sid member of the struct is a pointer. Declare it as such: public IntPtr lgrmi1_sid.
    3. Casting an IntPtr to an int will lead to pointer truncation on 64 bit. Either use arithmetic directly on the IntPtr, or for older C# versions cast to long. The former is better, like so: iter += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NetworkAPI.LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1));.
    4. You do not check the return value for errors.

    Fix those errors and your program will run correctly.