I initialized the kinect sensor using NUI_INITIALIZE(NUI_INITIALIZE_FLAG_USES_SKELETON) to get the skeletal data.
I'm working on Augmented Reality Project where i can display a virtual ball/cube in the video feed that kinect generates by gathering the skeletal data in the background.
I will get the coordinates of hands and i'll render the cube with respect to the hand.
However i can't find a way to have a video feed and skeletal data together. NUI_INITIALIZE(NUI_INITIALIZE_FLAG_USES_COLOR) gives you color data, you can only initialize the camera once. So it is either the video feed or the skeleton coordinates.
I tried to find the solution but i can't find any.
Note: I don't have any use of RGB except for preview so i can see the virtual object, since i'll be using the skeleton data to get the hand coordinates.
Found the Answer:
This will allow use of both the data.