My app needs to somehow mimic the iOS original Camera App, that even the device's AUTOROTATE is locked, the ViewController or specifically the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer will rotate.
So far, what I did to my project is this: Check the Landscape (right and left) in Project Properties/Settings, and then tweak each View Controllers' shouldAutorotate.
Everything is fine using this technique, until the user lock his device autorotate function (in iPAD this is a button at the side of the device, in iPhone this can be found in the settings from below the screen).
I couldn't find any answered related question on stackoverflow, so I asked.
So after few days, I have solved the problem!!! I'm still wondering though what was the reason behind in down voting my question. I have found this tutorial/blog:
Detect Device Rotation Even When Rotation Lock Is ON
So basically, the alternative way is to use CoreMotion. I hope someone who is having the same question in mind finds this answer. Cheers!