I have a simple search bar to find products by name and order the results alphabetical.
-----> products_controller.rb
def index
scope = Product
if params[:search]
scope = scope.search(params[:search])
if params[:ordering] && ordering = ORDERS[params[:ordering].to_i]
scope = scope.order(ordering)
@products = Product.includes(:current_price).all.stock.order('id DESC')
@product_detail = ProductDetail.new
-----> product.rb
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :product_details
has_many :prices
has_one :current_price, -> {
where('prices.id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM prices p2 WHERE product_id = prices.product_id)')
}, class_name: 'Price'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :prices
accepts_nested_attributes_for :product_details
# It returns the products whose names contain one or more words that form the query
def self.search(query)
where(["name LIKE ?", "%#{query}%"])
# Returns a count with the available products on stock
def self.stock()
select('products.*, SUM(case when product_statuses.available=true then 1 else 0 end) as count')
.joins('LEFT JOIN `product_details` `product_details` ON `product_details`.`product_id` = `products`.`id`')
.joins('LEFT JOIN `product_statuses` ON `product_statuses`.`id` = `product_details`.`status`')
I don't know, I have a very similar code for my Customers controller and model to do a phonebook and It works.
The only different is the "stock" to calculate how many units are available on the inventory, and It's working good.
I really need help with search bar :( I already reviewed all my code and looks good.
Thanks to everyone
Why is your @product
variable not using the scope
you already defined. I think it should be @products = scope.includes(:current_price).all.stock.order('products.id DESC')
Add products.id
DESC instead of id DESC
since the statement may be ambiguous to ActiveRecord. Also you will have to append products. to your orderng params.