I'm executing my unit tests with specs2 library. At the moment I'm using ForEach context to inject my database into unit tests like this example:
trait DatabaseContext extends ForEach[Transaction] {
// you need to define the "foreach" method
def foreach[R: AsResult](f: Transaction => R): Result = {
val transaction = openDatabaseTransaction
try AsResult(f(transaction))
finally closeDatabaseTransaction(transaction)
// create and close a transaction
def openDatabaseTransaction: Transaction = ???
def closeDatabaseTransaction(t: Transaction) = ???
That approach let me write my tests like this:
"test 1" >> { t: Transaction =>
println("use the transaction")
My problem is that I need also the ExecutionEnv
in my test because I'm using specs2
future matchers expectations.
"test 1" >> { implicit env: ExecutionEnv =>
Future(1) must be_==( 0 ).await
How can I combine both approaches so that I can get access to the execution env in my test using ForEach? I've already tried using this code but it does not compile
"test 1" >> { implicit env: ExecutionEnv =>
new DatabaseContext { t: Transaccion =>
myFuture must be_==( "some result" ).await
I'll appreciate any suggestions. Thank you all very much
With a recent version of specs2 (3.6.5 is the latest one) you can simply "inject" the execution environment as a class member:
class MySpec(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Specification {
Then you can use your DatabaseContext
as before.