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alpha beta pruning in python

In alpha, beta pruning algorithm, I have a class in which a function def getAction(self,gamestate) id defined. I made 2 more function in def getAction


class BAC:
  def you(self,gamestate):
    def me(gamestate,depth,alpha, beta):
      return v
    def both(gamestate,depth,alpha, beta):
      return v
   return me(gamestate,0,alpha, beta)-

I need to put alpha, beta in functions me and both. But where do I define alpha and beta values. If I define alpha and beta in def me and def both then error occurs as there global name alpha is not present.

How do I make alpha and beta local variables or How can I make it possible to work correctly?


  • I guess that you whant to do define alpha and beta as your classes' attribute.

    You may need a class constructor that initializes your variables.

    class BAC:
        def __init__(self):
            self.alpha= 'Hello '
            self.beta= 'World!'
        def me(self):
            print self.alpha + self.beta

    Or you can initialize your attributes variables like:

    class BAC:
        def me(self,alpha,beta):
            self.alpha = alpha
            self.beta= beta
            print self.alpha + self.beta

    All you need is to refer to the classes' attribute if you want persistence.

    If you choose the first solution:

    my_bac = Bac()
    print my_bac.alpha + my_bac.beta

    The output will be

    Hello World!
    Hello World!