I have two strings to add. Strings is HEX values. I convert strings to long long, add and after I back to string. But this operation no working good.
unsigned long long FirstNum = std::strtoull(FirstString.c_str(), NULL, 16);
unsigned long long SecondNum = std::strtoull(SecondString.c_str(), NULL, 16);
unsigned long long Num = FirstNum + SecondNum;
std::cout << " " << FirstNum << "\n+ " << SecondNum << "\n= " << Num << "\n\n";
I received
+ 8063907133566997305
= 2903086959060625223
Anyone can explain me this magic? How can I fix it?
Back to hex value by
std::stringstream Stream;
Stream << std::hex << Num;
return Stream.str();
All unsigned arithmetic in C (and C++) occurs modulo 2k for some k. In your case, you are getting the result modulo 264, implying that unsigned long long is 64 bits on your platform.
If you want to do arithmetic with integers larger than the largest supported type on your platform, you'll need to use a multiprecision library such as GMP