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How to get access to outside properties in a nested {{#each}}?

I have an {{#each}} block that runs through a list of stops that a driver must make. Each stop needs to have a select run and the select draws in from another collection. So I have the select in another {{#each}}.

Now I need to programmatically check if a driver was already selected in the db for this particular stop as the select is running and have it get selected.

My problem is that I need to access info from the external {{#each}} to do the comparison in the internal {{#each}}.

Below is the code that I have but when I run it the stopNum is undefined.

Any help here is greatly appreciated.

<td class="text-left">
    {{#if notEquals stopNum 0}}
    <select class="form-control driverName clearForm" id="driverName{{stopNum}}" name="driverName{{stopNum}}">
        <option value="" ></option>
        {{#each drivers}}
        {{#if dispatchDriverSelected driversName stopNum}}
        <option value="{{driversName}}" selected>{{driversName}}</option>
        <option value="{{driversName}}">{{driversName}}</option>


  • Within #each, the context is set to the current element.

    If you want to get an external item/property, you can get the parent context using .. in the template code or using Template.parentData(numLevels) in helpers:

    {{#each drivers}}
        {{#if dispatchDriverSelected driversName ../stopNum}}
            <option value="{{driversName}}" selected>{{driversName}}</option>
            <option value="{{driversName}}">{{driversName}}</option>

    Here is a simple example:

    Template structure:

    <template name="example">
      {{#with datum}}
        <div class="wrapper">
        <div class="items">
          {{#each inner}}
            <div class="inner">
            {{prop}} {{someFunc ../outer}}


      datum() {
        return {
          outer: 'outer 1',
          inner: [{
            prop: 'inner 1'
            prop: 'inner 2'
      someFunc(datum) {
        return `processed ${datum}`;

    renders to:

    <div class="wrapper">
      outer 1
      <div class="items">          
        <div class="inner">
          inner 1 processed outer 1
        <div class="inner">
          inner 2 processed outer 1