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In Alamofire, what is the proper way to wait for a set of calls to complete?

Using Alamofire I need to make a set of server requests and wait until all of them either succeed or fail and collect the results into a result object.

Is there a proper/provided way to do this in Alamofire?

I could put the each individual result into a queue and wait until the count is = total # of requests (obviously in a separate thread) but that seems a little clunky.


  • To summarize this question and answer How to tell if blocks in loop all have completed executing?, you want to create a dispatch group, enter the group as you start each operation, exit the group as you complete each operation, and finally use display_group_notify to execute a block once the group has completed:

    let group = dispatch_group_create()
    foreach operation {
        startOperation(..., completion:{
    dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        // code to run when all operations complete