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Moving of Actor LibGDX

Please, help me with my issue. I need to move an Actor to special coordinates. I use Stage, so what can I do to solve my problem.

If I'd use OrthographicCamera and rectangle, I'd wrote something like that:

Rectangle myRect = .........
while (myRect.y >= 10) {
myRect.y -= 200 *;

I want to use something like this with Actor. Please, help me. Thank everybody.


  • LibGDX provides a bunch of Actions that you can perform on Actors. For moving an actor to a specific location you can use MoveToAction. With this you can set the final location and also how long it it takes to move to that location.

    MoveToAction action = new MoveToAction();
    action.setY(10); // y-position to move to
    action.setDuration(duration); // time (in seconds) to move there