Springfox doesn't generate correctly the swagger doc for a simple case like this one:
GET /api/departments - Gets all department
GET /api/departments?name=IT - Gets a department with name passed as query parameter
This is the Spring Controller:
@ApiOperation(value = "Gets all departments", notes = "", tags = {"departments"})
@RequestMapping(value="/departments", produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public List<Department> getAllDepartments(){
@ApiOperation(value = "Gets a department by name", notes = "", tags = {"departments"})
@RequestMapping(value="/departments", params="name", produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public Department getDepartmentByName(@RequestParam String name){
The generated swagger file only contains the GET /api/departments entry, not a trace of the one with the query filter.
Any workaround?
Swagger Config:
public Docket departmentsV1Api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(new ApiInfo("Departments Rest API","","v1","","","",""))
This use case isn't supported by the spec. However you could use the enableUrlTemplating(true)
method in your docket
to enable rfc6570 support.
There is also an experimental library (springfox-swagger-ui-rfc6570) that can be used as a drop-in replacement for the standard springfox-swagger-ui
Note: Keep in mind this is in incubation and can change when support is added in the spec.