Is it possible to store columnoriented tables inmemory in Memsql? Standard is row oriented tables in memory, column oriented on disk.
MemSQL columnstore tables are always disk-backed, however columnstore data is of course cached in memory, so if all your data happens to fit in memory you will get in-memory performance. (The disk only needs to be involved in that writes must persist to disk for durability, and after restart data must be loaded from disk before it can be read, just like for any durable in-memory store.)
In the rowstore, we use data structures and algorithms (e.g. lockfree skiplists) that take advantage of the fact that the data is in-memory to improve performance on point reads and writes, especially with high concurrency, but columnstore query execution works on fast scans over blocks of data and batch writes, which works well whether the data resides in-memory or on-disk.