I would expect the result for plusses to be some kind of array
case class Plus()
val plus: P[Plus] = P ("+") map {_ => Plus()}
val plusses: P[List[Plus]] = P ( plus.rep.! ) // type mismatch; found: Parser[String] required: Parser[List[Plus]]
but compiler says
type mismatch; found : Parser[String] required: Parser[List[Plus]]
First, you don't need to capture something with .!
as you already have a result in the plus
parser. The .rep
then "creates" a parser that repeats the plus
parser 0 to n times and concatenates the result into a Seq[Plus]
case class Plus()
val plus: P[Plus] = P ("+") map {_ ⇒ Plus()}
val plusses: P[Seq[Plus]] = P ( plus.rep )
Second, if using the repeat operation rep
, Parser
s return Seq
and not List
If you really need a list, use map to convert Seq
to List
val plussesAsList: P[List[Plus]] = P( plus.rep ).map( seq ⇒ seq.toList)