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Prove length (h::l) = 1 + length l

I have trouble with these proofs that seem almost trivially obvious.

For instance, in the inductive case if I assume the property in the title and I want to show:

length (h'::h::l) = 1 + length (h::l)

Where do I go from here? It is so obviously true but I don't know what steps I can take without proving some kind of lemma. For instance I could say

length ([h']@(h::l)) = 1 + length (h::l)

But now I have to prove something along the lines of

length (l1@l2) = length l1 + length l2

I'm having trouble understanding when I need to prove lemmas, especially in the proofs that seem almost trivial.


  • When you prove program correctness, you're usually working with some implementation. If you will take a trivial implementation, then the proof would be also trivial. Suppose we have the following implementation:

    let rec length = function
      | [] -> 0
      | x::xs -> 1 + length xs

    We have a proof obligation:

    length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs

    We proof this using structural induction. I'm assuming, that list is defined as

    type 'a list = 
      | Nil 
      | Cons ('a,'a list)

    and [] is a syntactic sugar for Nil, while x::xs is a syntactic sugar for Cons (x,xs)

    So we perform case by case analysis. We have only one applicable case, so we take case

      | x::xs -> 1 + length xs

    rewrite length (x::xs) with the right hand side, and we get:

      1 + legnth xs = 1 + length xs

    This can be proven by reflexivity of = operator. (If it is reflexive in your logic).

    Note: the above implementation is trivial. In OCaml standard library List.length is implemented as follows:

    let rec length_aux len = function
        [] -> len
      | a::l -> length_aux (len + 1) l
    let length l = length_aux 0 l

    Here proof obligation length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs produces an obligation to proof that length_aux 0 (x::xs) = 1 + length_aux 0 xs. This is less trivial.