Apologies in advance for the long example, I couldn't figure out a shorter one.
Let's define a type class Box
, that does nothing but contain another type, the Content
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
class Box t where
type Content t
data IntBox = IntBox
data StringBox = StringBox
Let's write a few instances:
instance Box IntBox where
type Content IntBox = Int
instance Box StringBox where
type Content StringBox = String
data JointBox a b = JointBox a b
instance (Box a, Box b) => Box (JointBox a b) where
type Content (JointBox a b) = Either (Content a) (Content b)
That all compiles and works so far. Enter GADTs. I want an algebraic data type that is constructed out of a box and its contents. The constructor decides the box type completely.
data ABox t where
AnIntBox :: IntBox -> ABox IntBox
AStringBox :: StringBox -> ABox StringBox
AnIntOrStringBox :: JointBox IntBox StringBox -> ABox (JointBox IntBox StringBox)
Now, in my mind, this would mean that by pattern matching on the constructor of ABox
, the type of the box and its contents should be determined. But this doesn't seem to be the case:
frobABox :: (Content t) -> ABox t -> IO ()
frobABox int (AnIntBox _) = print $ int + 3
frobABox string (AStringBox _) = putStrLn $ reverse string
frobABox (Left int) (AnIntOrStringBox _) = print $ int + 6
frobABox (Right string) (AnIntOrStringBox _) = putStrLn $ reverse string
This throws a lot of errors, amongst which these two seem the most important to me:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Content t’
with actual type ‘Either t0 t1’
The type variables ‘t0’, ‘t1’ are ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
frobABox :: Content t -> ABox t -> IO ()
(bound at GADTAndTypeClassBug.hs:27:1)
In the pattern: Left int
In an equation for ‘frobABox’:
frobABox (Left int) (AnIntOrStringBox _) = print $ int + 6
Couldn't match expected type ‘Content t’
with actual type ‘Either t2 t3’
The type variables ‘t2’, ‘t3’ are ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
frobABox :: Content t -> ABox t -> IO ()
(bound at GADTAndTypeClassBug.hs:27:1)
In the pattern: Right string
In an equation for ‘frobABox’:
frobABox (Right string) (AnIntOrStringBox _)
= putStrLn $ reverse string
Couldn't match expected type ‘[Char]’ with actual type ‘t3’
‘t3’ is untouchable
inside the constraints (t ~ JointBox IntBox StringBox)
bound by a pattern with constructor
AnIntOrStringBox :: JointBox IntBox StringBox
-> ABox (JointBox IntBox StringBox),
in an equation for ‘frobABox’
at GADTAndTypeClassBug.hs:30:29-46
Relevant bindings include
string :: t3 (bound at GADTAndTypeClassBug.hs:30:20)
In the first argument of ‘reverse’, namely ‘string’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘reverse string’
An easier example without the type families works:
data UnitOrEither t where
AUnit :: () -> UnitOrEither ()
AnEither :: Either String Int -> UnitOrEither (Either String Int)
frob :: UnitOrEither t -> IO ()
frob (AUnit _) = print ()
frob (AnEither _) = print "Either"
So what's the problem?
Refinement for GADT pattern matches works left-to-right. So a type refinement resulting from matching on the second argument of frobABox
will not apply to the first.
You can make the code compile by flipping the arguments of frobABox
frobABox' :: ABox t -> Content t -> IO ()
frobABox' (AnIntBox _) int = print $ int + 3
frobABox' (AStringBox _) string = putStrLn $ reverse string
frobABox' (AnIntOrStringBox _) (Left int) = print $ int + 6
frobABox' (AnIntOrStringBox _) (Right string) = putStrLn $ reverse string
frobABox :: (Content t) -> ABox t -> IO ()
frobABox = flip frobABox'