According to the Google Maps iOS SDK, I instanciate my panoramaView like this :
import UIKit
import GoogleMaps
class DemoViewController: UIViewController,GMSPanoramaViewDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let panoramaNear = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(50.059139, -122.958391)
let panoView = GMSPanoramaView.panoramaWithFrame(CGRectZero,
self.view = panoView;
When I tap on the panoramaView, I'd like to get the latitude and longitude I just tapped.
This delegate method is what I need
- (void) panoramaView: (GMSPanoramaView *) panoramaView
didTap: (CGPoint) point
I'm stucked with the last part which is to convert this CGPoint into a CLLocation2DCoordinates ! I don't need the pitch, heading etc... I need the lat/long tuple.
Is there a way to handle these locations or this is just not possible in a panoramaView ?
Thanks in advance :)
A CGPoint is not in any way linked to CLLocationCoordinate2D. A CGPoint refers to a point (x,y) in a given rectangle, probably a CGRect that is defined by a certain CGSize.
You can not access a CLLocationCoordinate2D through the object defined in this delegate method.
You do get a CLLocationCoordinate2D through:
- (void)panoramaView:GMSPanoramaView *)view didMoveToPanorama:(GMSPanorama *)panorama nearCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate
and- (void)panoramaView:(GMSPanoramaView *)view error:(NSError *)error onMoveNearCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate