Given a typeglob, how can I find which types are actually defined?
In my application, we user PERL as a simple configuration format. I'd like to require() the user config file, then be able to see which variables are defined, as well as what types they are.
Code: (questionable quality advisory)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %before = %main::;
require "/path/to/my.config";
my %after = %main::;
foreach my $key (sort keys %after) {
next if exists $before{$symbol};
local *myglob = $after{$symbol};
#the SCALAR glob is always defined, so we check the value instead
if ( defined ${ *myglob{SCALAR} } ) {
my $val = ${ *myglob{SCALAR} };
print "\$$symbol = '".$val."'\n" ;
if ( defined *myglob{ARRAY} ) {
my @val = @{ *myglob{ARRAY} };
print "\@$symbol = ( '". join("', '", @val) . "' )\n" ;
if ( defined *myglob{HASH} ) {
my %val = %{ *myglob{HASH} };
print "\%$symbol = ( ";
while( my ($key, $val) = each %val ) {
print "$key=>'$val', ";
print ")\n" ;
@A = ( a, b, c );
%B = ( b=>'bee' );
$C = 'see';
@A = ( 'a', 'b', 'c' )
%B = ( b=>'bee', )
$C = 'see'
$_<my.config = 'my.config'
In the fully general case, you can't do what you want thanks to the following excerpt from perlref:
if that particular THING hasn't been used yet, except in the case of scalars.*foo{SCALAR}
returns a reference to an anonymous scalar if$foo
hasn't been used yet. This might change in a future release.
But if you're willing to accept the restriction that any scalar must have a defined value to be detected, then you might use code such as
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, "<", \$_; # get DynaLoader out of the way
my %before = %main::;
require "my.config";
my %after = %main::;
foreach my $name (sort keys %after) {
unless (exists $before{$name}) {
no strict 'refs';
my $glob = $after{$name};
print "\$$name\n" if defined ${ *{$glob}{SCALAR} };
print "\@$name\n" if defined *{$glob}{ARRAY};
print "%$name\n" if defined *{$glob}{HASH};
print "&$name\n" if defined *{$glob}{CODE};
print "$name (format)\n" if defined *{$glob}{FORMAT};
print "$name (filehandle)\n" if defined *{$glob}{IO};
will get you there.
With my.config
$JACKPOT = 3_756_788;
$YOU_CANT_SEE_ME = undef;
@OPTIONS = qw/ apple cherries bar orange lemon /;
%CREDITS = (1 => 1, 5 => 6, 10 => 15);
sub is_jackpot {
local $" = ""; # " fix Stack Overflow highlighting
"@_[0,1,2]" eq "barbarbar";
open FH, "<", \$JACKPOT;
format WinMessage =
You win!
the output is
%CREDITS FH (filehandle) $JACKPOT @OPTIONS WinMessage (format) &is_jackpot
Printing the names takes a little work, but we can use the Data::Dumper
module to take part of the burden. The front matter is similar:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub _dump {
my($ref) = @_;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
scalar Dumper $ref;
open my $fh, "<", \$_; # get DynaLoader out of the way
my %before = %main::;
require "my.config";
my %after = %main::;
We need to dump the various slots slightly differently and in each case remove the trappings of references:
my %dump = (
SCALAR => sub {
my($ref,$name) = @_;
return unless defined $$ref;
"\$$name = " . substr _dump($ref), 1;
ARRAY => sub {
my($ref,$name) = @_;
return unless defined $ref;
for ("\@$name = " . _dump $ref) {
s/= \[/= (/;
return $_;
HASH => sub {
my($ref,$name) = @_;
return unless defined $ref;
for ("%$name = " . _dump $ref) {
s/= \{/= (/;
return $_;
Finally, we loop over the set-difference between %before
and %after
foreach my $name (sort keys %after) {
unless (exists $before{$name}) {
no strict 'refs';
my $glob = $after{$name};
foreach my $slot (keys %dump) {
my $var = $dump{$slot}(*{$glob}{$slot},$name);
print $var, "\n" if defined $var;
Using the my.config
from your question, the output is
$ ./ @A = ('a','b','c') %B = ('b' => 'bee') $C = 'see'