MySQL Query is below
select PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.* from tblprojectbid PB
Inner Join tblproject P on P.projectid = PB.projectid
Inner Join tbluser WhoCreated WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated
Inner Join tbluser WhoPlacedBid WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated
Where PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID in (4, 5)
and WhoCreated.UserID = 3
and PB.Reviewgiven = 0
Below is the query written in CodeIgnitor.
$this->_ci->db->select('PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.*');
$this->_ci->db->from('tblprojectbid PB');
$this->_ci->db->join('tblproject P', 'P.projectid = PB.projectid');
$this->_ci->db->join('tbluser WhoCreated', 'WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated');
$this->_ci->db->join('tbluser WhoPlacedBid', 'WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated');
$this->_ci->db->or_where('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', 4);
$this->_ci->db->or_where('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', 5);
$this->_ci->db->where('WhoCreated.UserID', 5);
$this->_ci->db->where('PB.Reviewgiven', 5);
$query = $this->_ci->db->get();
Can you please help in correcting the above query to make it equivalant to MYSQL query above ?
$this->db->select() accepts an optional second parameter. If you set it to FALSE, CodeIgniter will not try to protect your field or table names with backticks. You don't need to repeat $this->_ci->db-> untill you don't want to add join or conditions with a conditional statement. Use where_in() for checking the same column name with more than one value . And you can optimize the code like this:
$this->_ci->db->select('PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.*',FALSE)
->from('tblprojectbid PB')
->join('tblproject P', 'P.projectid = PB.projectid')
->join('tbluser WhoCreated', 'WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated')
->join('tbluser WhoPlacedBid', 'WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated')
->where_in('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', array(4,5))
->where(array('WhoCreated.UserID' => 5, 'PB.Reviewgiven' => 5))