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Report Viewer control not showing report from SSRS

I'm using MS Report Viewer 10 in VS 2013; the project is being upgraded from VS 2010. I have worked through a series of issues relating to Report Viewer, and have the control itself up and running. I have a number of reports in SSRS, and I have confirmed that the reports themselves work properly.

I have a Web Forms ASPX page for data input. It passes data via JSON to a popup ASPX page that contains the Report Viewer control.

I am running IIS Express 7, SQL Server 2008 R2 (v10.50), and a current target framework of .NET Framework 4.5.

Report Viewer does not return any report -- no error message, no report layout missing data, and certainly no complete report. When I run the same report with the same inputs through VS, the report preview shows the results I expect.

ProcessingMode is set to Remote and ReportServerCredentials is null. I researched what this means, and it means that Report Viewer should connect to SSRS with the current network credentials, namely the current user. I confirmed that the current user correctly matches my current login; I can connect to SSRS and SQL Server using Windows authentication properly.

ReportViewer doesn't create in the web form designer, so I can't set any properties on it at design time.

So I suspect my issue is a matter of authentication at run time. I am out of ideas on how to investiagte and resolve this.

The control code on the page:

    <ssrs:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer" runat="server" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%"
        Height="690" ShowParameterPrompts="false" AsyncRendering="false"/>

The SSRS log contains the following entries after I attempt to run the report:

library!ReportServer_0-3!1dc8!(datetime): i INFO: RenderForNewSession('(report)')
webserver!ReportServer_0-3!1dc8!(datetime, 1 second later): i INFO: Processed report. Report='(report)', Stream=''

The legacy project used MS Report Viewer 9. It ran just fine. The only changes I see in web.config relate to the later version and a change from IIS 6 to IIS 7.

Since it came up in comments, here's the relevant line from web.config:

    <add name="ReportViewerWebControlHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>

My Report Viewer window: Report Viewer blank window

ETA 24 Nov: I eventually got an entry in the application log: HttpHandlerInputException, Missing URL parameter: IterationId. This issue has been discussed at another STOF Q&A.


  • As requested by @CodeswithHammer I'm adding this reference to another thread for just to save people some time searching for it.