Hi I have this route
Router.route 'tests/:slug/:type/question/add',
name: 'addQuestion'
controller: testsAddQuestionController
And I have this controller
@testsAddQuestionController = testsQuestionsController.extend
template: 'mcqQuestionForm'
data: ->
questions: TestQuestions.find()
test: Tests.findOne slug: this.params.slug
And I want to select template from controller depending the value of :type parammeter, I tried two ways:
@testsAddQuestionController = testsQuestionsController.extend
template: if this.params.type is 'mcq' then 'mcqQuestionForm' else 'somethingelse'
data: ->
questions: TestQuestions.find()
test: Tests.findOne slug: this.params.slug
But with this approach I get the error this.params is undefined
Second approach
@testsAddQuestionController = testsQuestionsController.extend
template: if Router.current().route.params.type is 'mcq' then 'mcqQuestionForm' else 'somethingelse'
data: ->
questions: TestQuestions.find()
test: Tests.findOne slug: this.params.slug
But the applciation crashes with this approach, does any body know how to access to route parameters in order to make this conditionals for select template from controller?
Here is how our controller looks like:
@testsAddQuestionController = testsQuestionsController.extend
template: ->
qType = Router.current().params.type
if qType == 'practical'
else if qType == 'mcq'
data: ->
questions: TestQuestions.find()
test: Tests.findOne slug: this.params.slug
For some reason (no idea why) if I save the current Router param into a variable and then use the variable for the if statement then it works.
Hope this helps you.