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Can I use SPARQL to query DBPedia for information about Wiki pages such as page length or number of times an article was accessed?

    SELECT *
?Person a <> .
?Person <> ?influenced.
?Person <> ?birthDate.
?Person <> ?weight.

I had thought that the above code would, when plugged into snorql, generate a dataset that included the length of the Comedian page being queried. Instead, it's generating an empty dataset. By contrast, the code below generates a non-empty dataset, but one which does not include the page length.

    SELECT *
?Person a <> .
?Person <> ?influenced.
?Person <> ?birthDate.

Is there a way to query DBpedia for information about a Wikipedia page that isn't included in the page itself, such as the length of the page or the number of times it is accessed?


  • While there is such a property declared (e.g., see, it doesn't appear to actually be used in describing any resources. E.g., the following query returns 0:

    select (count(*) as ?n) { ?s dbo:wikiPageLength ?l }