Im trying to send an object with Pyro4. Seems Like it changes on the way, like Im using pickle.dumps and Pickle.loads on server it works but when I try to use pickle.loads on client it gives me a KeyError.Server
def get_objects(self,player):
"Notify player about new game state."
data = self.player_serialize_gmf(player)
tst = pickle.dumps("objects %s" % data)
zzd = pickle.loads(tst)
return tst
And client calling part :
data = pickle.loads(
And the error
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Pyro4-4.40-py2.7.egg/Pyro4/", line 426, in _pyroInvoke
raise data
KeyError: {u'state': (u'PYRONAME:player.server', (),
(u'setLast_ts', u'join', u'setName', u'getNextMove',
u'getPoints', u'getName', u'setNextMove', u'isSpectator',
u'getGj', u'setChar', u'getUuid', u'setPoints', u'setGj',
u'getLast_ts', u'getChar'), (), 0.0, None, u'hello', 0),
u'__class__': u'Pyro4.core.Proxy'}
The problem was in server side get_objects() method. I was using primitive and object types in same array. Appearantly they cant be in the same array.
I hope this will help.