I'm trying to enable remote-debugging with fitnesse. Getting below error.
Could not complete testing: java.lang.Exception: FitClient: external process terminated before a connection could be established.
To start fitnesse in debug-mode, i'm adding below startup command
set DEBUG_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=9000
java -jar %DEBUG_OPTS% fitnesse-standalone.jar -p 81
And with this, able to connect to the Fitness process, but enabling Tools->Remote Debug from Fitnesse GUI gives above error. Any pointers?
FitNesse is starting the System under test in a separate process by default. You can execute the test suite with debugging enabled, e.g. "MySuite?suite&debug".
Make sure all required libraries are on your class path (the one you use to start FitNesse "java -cp jar1.jar:classes:fitnesse-standalone.jar fitnesseMain.FitNesseMain -p 81"), since your application will be started inside the FitNesse process.