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gvNIX datatables set sorting options table (which fields)

How can I specify the sorting of a datatable with gvNIX datatables? And example based on the Petclinic sample would be great.

For my application I want for each table specify the sorting order of the records in the datatables.


  • Lock at options supported in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tags/datatables/column.tagx the attributes sortInit and sortDirection should help you.

    <jsp:directive.attribute name="sortInit" 
          type="java.lang.String" required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
          description="(asc|desc) If sortable is enabled, set the default sorting direction (Default : asc)" />
    <jsp:directive.attribute name="sortDirection" 
          type="java.lang.String" required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
          description="((asc|desc)[,(asc|desc)[...]])If sortable is enabled, allow to control the sorting direction(s) (default 'asc,desc') (related to asSorting js-datatables columnDef)" />

    By example, on list.jspx:

        <table:table data="${pets}" id="l_com_springsource_petclinic_domain_Pet" path="/pets" z="gvs425syhOX//lJjxIylimFQflM=">
            <table:column id="c_com_springsource_petclinic_domain_Pet_sendReminders"
                property="sendReminders" z="9OZRH4z6dmoKcOlx/Gs0++zdd/A="/>
            <table:column id="c_com_springsource_petclinic_domain_Pet_name" 
                property="name" sortInit="asc" z="USER-MANAGED"/>
            <table:column id="c_com_springsource_petclinic_domain_Pet_weight" property="weight" z="sDq86anRDnXzji8d7j+tb9X7coI="/>

    I advise you to review all .tagx files. Its parameters will show you all supported options and features you can use.

    Good luck!