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Kdiff3 FSPathMakeRef(app_path_location) failed with error -43 Mac OS-X

I am trying to open kdiff3 from the terminal and pass two local file as argument of kdiff3 (not in git repo). Kdiff3 I am using as git diff tool thats works perfectly fine to compare my current version and repo head version. However, the problem occur when I run the kdiff3 with local file (not in git repo) as a argument from terminal then I get an error saying that, FSPathMakeRef(local_kdiff_path/ ) failed with error -43. FYI, path location is exactly same as I define for git diff tool or alias. Following two ways I tried, but none of them work :

alias kd2='open -a "local_kdiff_path/" $1 $2'
alias kd3='sudo open -a "local_kdiff_path/" $1 $2'

Please suggest me how I can resolve this issue ?


  • The problem is the path you define in your bash script or .bash_profile can not find the application location. Even though the argument is easily accessible in Linux or Windows but for mac specific the script is bit different.

    MAC OS-X Solution

    Create a simple bash script as follows and provide the arguments

    kdiff_installed_folder/ "$1" "$2" "$4"

    Linux Solution

    Add following commands in the .bashrc or .aliases file

    alias kd '/app/kdiff3/0.9.96/RHEL64/kdiff3'
    alias kd1 '/app/kdiff3/0.9.96/RHEL64/kdiff3 $1' 
    alias kd2 '/app/kdiff3/0.9.96/RHEL64/kdiff3 $1 $2' 

    Windows Solution

    If you install the Git-bash add following line in the .bashrc file

    alias kd='"C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe"'
    alias kd1='"C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe" $1'
    alias kd2='"C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe" $1 $2'