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Getting value of a HASH in Perl Mason

I have an object which looks like this

my $result;
$result->{success} = 0;
$result->{error} = {errorType => "SHIT_ERROR"};

When I try to print it using

print "result ".\$result;

It prints


How can I actually get its content ?

At the end of the day, I want to pass this as parameter to my redirect request. Just to add more details to it. @dev-null suggested how to pass it on as json but I want to pass it like - success=0&error[errorType]=..... Kindly suggest how can that be achieved.


  • To get the content of $result, you have to:

    print $result->{success};

    and then print error, but please note that error is a nested hash and if you try to print its value:

    print $result->{error};

    you will still get something like HASH(...) (you'll have to print the {errorType} element of the {error} element).

    Back to your problem. You say you want to pass this parameter to your redirect request. How do you want to implement your redirect request?

    Using $m->redirect() method

    If you are using $m->redirect() I would suggest you to change your $result to a simpler structure like this:

    % my $result = {
    %   success => 0,
    %   errorType => 'SHIRT_ERROR',
    % };
    % $m->redirect( make_uri('error_handler', $result), 302);

    this will make a uri like this one:


    and the redirect method will redirect to it. Your then could contain something like this:

      has 'success';
      has 'errorType';
      if ($.success eq "0") {
        print $.errorType;

    Using JSON on $m->redirect()

    It looks like Mason doesn't support a query string like success=0&error[errorType]=...

    The only alternative I can think of is to serialize the request with JSON like this:

    use JSON;
    my $result;
    $result->{success} = 0;
    $result->{error} = {errorType => "SHIRT_ERROR"};
    my $h = {
      result => encode_json $result
    $m->redirect(make_uri('/error_handler', $h), 302);

      has 'result';
      use JSON;
      my $result = decode_json $.result;
      print dh $result;

    the first component will redirect to a url like this:


    I don't find it too elegant, but it works.