I have noticed that when you change the ListView header background color there is a weird white text like shadow
does anyone know how to get rid of the white shadow?
Steps to reproduce
Create a FMX project, put a list view on it and align it to client
right click on the listview and choose edit custom style
In the lv1style1: TFmxObject find the header structure
select the source link property and move the default selected area to some other color
populate the list view on form create - with the code like this
var lvitem : TListViewItem;
lvitem := lv1.Items.Add;
lvitem.Text := 'Header';
lvitem.Purpose := TListItemPurpose.Header;
lvitem.Detail := '';
lvitem := lv1.Items.Add;
lvitem.Text := 'none';
lvitem.Purpose := TListItemPurpose.None;
lvitem := lv1.Items.Add;
lvitem.Text := 'footer';
lvitem.Purpose := TListItemPurpose.Footer;
if you have any questions please comment below
Any help would be appreciated.
There was a TextLabel.TextShadowColor setting
On the List view OnUpdateObjects
Added the following code
procedure TForm1.lv1UpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject;
const AItem: TListViewItem);
TextLabel: TListItemText;
if AItem.Purpose in [TListItemPurpose.Header, TListItemPurpose.Footer] then begin
TextLabel := AItem.Objects.TextObject;
TextLabel.TextShadowColor := TalphaColorRec.Null;