I'm relatively new to python (outside of the world of GIS) and struggling getting the code I won't for a side project I am doing with USGS Earthquake data. The data is in an excel file containing 7 columns as seen below:
I have these tasks which I set myself:
I am stuck on second task and once I have that i should be able to do the rest.
Also, I'm aware that nothing gets printed to text file yet!
import xlrd
from xlrd import open_workbook
from collections import Counter
def get_sheet(xl_file):
wb = open_workbook(xl_file,'r')
# get first sheet in the workbook
return wb.sheets()[0]
def number_eq(sheet):
row_count = len(range(sheet.nrows))
print ("Total number of earthqaukes = %s") % row_count
def no_earthquake_region():
#def top_freq_eq(sheet):
#print (Counter(words).most_common(5))
#def top_mag_eq(sheet):
#print (Counter(words).most_common(5))
def main(xl_file, out_folder):
sheet = get_sheet(xl_file)
row = number_eq(sheet)
if __name__ == "__main__":
xl_file = r'D:\Projects\Other\data\EarthquakeUSGS.xlsx'
out_folder = r"D:\Projects\Other\data\output\output.txt"
main(xl_file, out_folder)
Here is the way I'll do it:
import xlrd
from xlrd import open_workbook
from collections import Counter
def get_sheet(xl_file):
wb = open_workbook(xl_file,'r')
# get first sheet in the workbook
return wb.sheets()[0]
def number_eq(sheet):
row_count = len(range(sheet.nrows))
print ("Total number of earthqaukes = %s") % row_count
def no_earthquake_region(sheet):
l = []
num_of_rows = sheet.nrows
num_of_cols = sheet.ncols
if(num_of_rows > 1):
for i in range(2,num_of_rows):
d = {"Time":sheet.cell(i,1).value , "Region":sheet.cell(i,6).value}
return l
#def top_freq_eq(sheet):
#print (Counter(words).most_common(5))
#def top_mag_eq(sheet):
#print (Counter(words).most_common(5))
def main(xl_file, out_folder):
sheet = get_sheet(xl_file)
row = number_eq(sheet)
print no_earthquake_region(sheet)
if __name__ == "__main__":
xl_file = r'D:\Projects\Other\data\EarthquakeUSGS.xlsx'
out_folder = r"D:\Projects\Other\data\output\output.txt"
main(xl_file, out_folder)