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Discarding (but not trashing) stories in Pivotal Tracker

I can't figure out how to "discard but keep" a story... I was thinking reject was the answer, but I'm not so sure since when I reject it, the story still sits in my current column with a restart button visible.

Sometimes I go down the wrong track, create a Story (feature) that I realize later I don't need or want. However, I don't want to trash it - I'd like to keep it for future reference, but I want it to go away somewhere - not sit in my current column forever.

Does anyone know how to do this?


  • Pivotal Support explains just exactly why nobody posted an answer...

    Short Answer:

    not possible

    Long Answer (from Pivotal Support):

    Unfortunately there's not a way to archive stories in Tracker and as you've discovered, the reject button doesn't remove stories from Current.

    In these cases we recommend creating a label describing the situation (“on-hold”, “not reproducible”, won't fix", etc.) to apply to such stories, and then move the story to the bottom of the Icebox along with a concise comment explaining the decision (you must "unstart" the story before it can be moved to the Icebox). You can also use a release marker in the icebox to separate stories like this from others, as in the attached screenshot.​

    enter image description here