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Is there a MySQL seed database dump for Adempiere ERP 380

I was looking into trying out Adempiere 380 LTS specifically with MySQL. Is there a seed database anywhere that I can use? There used to be one for 360 but I'm not sure if it's still compatible (probably not).

If not any suggestions on a work around. I've started a migration of a seed PostgreSQL to MySQL but the process is slow as it requires quite a bit of manual intervention from the looks of it.


  • There isn't one at the moment.

    The latest MySQL dump, that I can see, is available here.

    You would need to either successfully migrate latest PosgreSQL database over MySQL (there's something called pg2mysql, mysql workbench also has a migration tool) or try to adapt 360's MySQL dump to the latest version of Adempiere.

    Whatever the option, there's going to be quite a bit of manual work to get it working 100%.