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Error When Running Default Meteor App With Bootstrap On Cloud9

Create a default meteor app on Cloud9 ( IDE, add twbs:bootstrap, & run. Result:

Unexpected mongo exit code null. Restarting.  
Can't start Mongo server.

Below is output from a test project where I created a default app, added bootstrap and run.

user:~/workspace $ meteor add twbs:bootstrap                                  
Changes to your project's package version selections:
twbs:bootstrap  added, version 3.3.5   
twbs:bootstrap: The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

user:~/workspace $ meteor --port $IP:$PORT    
[[[[[ ~/workspace ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.                             
=> Started MongoDB.                           
Unexpected mongo exit code null. Restarting.  
Unexpected mongo exit code null. Restarting.  
Unexpected mongo exit code null. Restarting.  
Can't start Mongo server.                     

After failure, I removed bootstrap from the project and rerun.

user:~/workspace $ meteor remove twbs:bootstrap
Changes to your project's package version selections:
twbs:bootstrap  removed from your project
twbs:bootstrap: removed dependency            

user:~/workspace $ meteor --port $IP:$PORT                                                                                                                                                                  
[[[[[ ~/workspace ]]]]]                       
=> Started proxy.                             
=> Started MongoDB.                           
=> Started your app.                          
=> App running at:

...and meteor project starts up successfully.

Is there a way to get a meteor app running with bootstrap on Cloud9?


  • The solution provided by Mutahhir works.

    Run meteor update before running your application so that does not run out of memory.