GOAL: Obtain a CSV file with the following information:
for all non-admin (type 0) SMB shares on all servers from a list (txt file).
param (
$computers = Get-Content $path
$shareInfo = @()
ForEach ($computer in $computers) {
$shares = gwmi -Computer $computer -Class Win32_Share -filter "Type = 0" | Select Name,Path,Description
$shares | % {
$ShareName = $_.Name
$Props = [ordered]@{
Computer = $computer
ShareName = $_.Name
Path = $shares.Path
Description = $shares.Description
$ShareInfo += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props
$shareInfo | Export-CSV -Path .\shares.csv -NoType
While the code provides output for each server, it seems to not include all shares from the servers. Furthermore, the Path and Description fields are not populated with good information.
The code:
$shares = gwmi -Computer $computer -Class Win32_Share -filter "Type = 0" | Select Name,Path,Description
Produces good information as below:
Name Path Description
---- ---- -----------
print$ C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers Printer Drivers
Share D:\Share
Software C:\Software The Software
$shares | % {
$ShareName = $_.Name
$Props = [ordered]@{
Computer = $computer
ShareName = $_.Name
Path = $shares.Path
Description = $shares.Description
You're using $shares
instead of $_
for the Path
and Description
properties, so each of these properties is assigned a list of the values of the respective property of each element of the $shares
Also, why are you building custom objects in the first place when you just need to filter the WMI query results? The computer name can be obtained from the __SERVER
(or PSMachineName
) property. Plus, type 0 means a shared disk drive, not an administrative share. You need to filter the latter by other criteria (usually description and/or share name).
$filter = "Type = 0 And Description != 'Default Share' And " +
"Name != 'ADMIN$' And Name != 'IPC$'"
$computers |
ForEach-Object { Get-WmiObject -Computer $_ -Class Win32_Share -Filter $filter } |
Select-Object @{n='Computer';e={$_.__SERVER}}, Name, Path, Description |
Export-Csv -Path .\shares.csv -NoType